Lake Avenue creates the west boarder and Hill Avenue is on the east side. Lexington Heights is predominantly a residential neighborhood, but there is some new commercial development. The only school found in Lexington Heights is Longfellow Elementary School. However, Burbank Elementary School, Eliot Middle School and Pasadena High School are a part of Lexington Height’s district.
While Lexington Heights isn’t considered among the highest-end neighborhoods in Pasadena, it is higher than most. The median real estate price in Lexington Heights is $728,443, which is higher than 82.9% of all neighborhoods in California and 96.9% of neighborhoods in the United States. Homes for sale in Pasadena, CA have always been in demand and home sellers rarely lose money on a sale.
The average rental price in Lexington Heights is $1,761, which is more than 65.7% of Californian neighborhoods. The real estate in Lexington Heights consists of mostly small and medium sized single-family homes in addition to high-rise apartments and regular apartment complexes. Small family homes consist of 1-2 bedrooms while medium sized homes hold 3-4 bedrooms. Most of the homes in Lexington Heights were built before 1939, but there is a collection of homes that were built in between 1940-1969. The vacancy rate in Lexington Heights is 8.4%, which is lower than 55.1% of neighborhoods in the United States.
Lexington Heights is great choice of residency for college students. In addition to the existing large population of college students, more are attracted to the area because of its walkability, its low level of crime, and its average level of vacancy. This ensures that students can live in a safe area without a car and able to find housing easily. Approximately 4% of the residents in this neighborhood utilize their bicycle as their primary mode of transportation. This is higher than 95.7% of neighborhoods in American. Lexington Heights is rated in the top 1.5% of college-friendly areas to live in California.
Lexington Heights is considered an upper-middle income neighborhood. This area has a higher income than 65.7% of the neighborhoods in America. There are an estimated 22.7% of children in this area who fall below the poverty line, which is higher than 63% of United States neighborhoods.
There is a wide range of occupations split among the residents of Lexington Heights. Professional occupations in management and executive positions employ 51% of the residents. The second highest occupational group is clerical, tech support, and assistant positions, which add up to 21% of residents. Finally, 15% of residents work for manufacturers and laborers while 14% work in service jobs like fast food restaurants.
Lexington Heights it’s a safe neighborhood that is flexible with its residents. This neighborhood is perfect for college students or even families who are just getting started and would like a nice home in a beautiful area.